SCADA Radio SCADA Radio Networks SCADA Radio Antenna System
Design, Mission Critical RF Consulting
Office Phone: 954 961 2642
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A well respected RF engineer close friend of mine shares his creed with me, "design first, then you build".  Seems ridiculously simple, but this simple concept is often overlooked when creating a new SCADA system.  I have seen these oversights cause pain in budgets and frustration in other areas like scheduled turn up dates.  When it comes to SCADA radio networks we must design first.  We can't see radio energy with the naked eye, we have to use tools to measure how well our intended RF signals can and will travel.  We have to use tools to do this and look for possible interference sources in and around our intended RF spectrum.  

When these tools are employed to confirm or fine tune a SCADA radio network design, it will allow us to build your SCADA radio network with a high degree of confidence.  The process of verifying a design is called a radio study or propagation study.  it is the subject of the next section, and can be an invaluable resource.       

If you have any questions on a specific project or an application you would like to discuss, please feel free to call on me, Mark Lavallee.  I enjoy sharing my 20+ years of experience and knowledge.  My company is often used to sub consult with consultants, assist controls system integrators, and work with the end users directly.

954 961 2642 or email :
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